Medical Products Management System
Medical Products Information System (MPIS) – “Barnatari”
Medical Products Information System provides online services to pharmaceutical businesses that operate in Republic of Kosovo.
The system is implemented by Komtel on turn-key solution basis for the Kosovar Agency for medical products and supplies (AKPMM).
Through this system the businesses file online their applications, upload documents and execute the online payments for the Licensing of their activities, Applications for authorization of use of medical products and supplies in Kosovo, Applications for import / export permissions of medical products and supplies.
Process of application approval goes through several levels, led by digitalized workflow depending on the application. The evaluation of the completion of the requirements is done for each level, before the advancing to the next one. If the conditions are fulfilled the case is advanced to next level, if not, the application is sent back to applicant for completion or even it can be rejected. If the application passes all level of approval, the applicant (pharmaceutical business) can download from his account respective license, permission, authorization issued by the System.
Medical Products Information system has increased efficiency and accuracy of the AKPMM officers that accomplish their daily tasks with the system. Errors on statistical reports related to quantities and types of products / supplies and their validity period are eliminated. Long ques of clients (representatives of businesses) in front desks of the AKPMM are eliminated as now they can file, upload and download from their offices. Issuance of the banderoles by AKPPM for the medical products and supplies that are in Kosovo is digitalized and in full control.
Project included Training of end users (cca 60) and application administrators (3).
Internal part of MPIS is in use for 60 users (staff of AKPPM and other stakeholders), while there are more than 2500 user accounts opened from the pharmaceutical businesses.
Medical Products Information System (MPIS) – “Barnatari” won the ICT Award for the best product for public services in Albania and Kosovo for year 2016.
Implementation of Database and Web Application for Kosovo Agency for Medical Products was done during 2014- 2015. Maintenance agreement on yearly basis are signed since them.
Actually the project on Upgrade of the MPIS is going on.